September Reset

It's hard to believe that September is already here! This year has been one that has pushed many of us to change up routines and shift expectations. As schools restart and the back-to-work mentality sets in, it's a good time to start thinking of ways to set ourselves up for a happy and healthy fall and winter season.

IV Vitamin Therapy – Keeping your immune system strong

This fall getting a cold means so much more than just a day or two off of work. As cold and flu symptoms are similar, if not the same as COVID-19, getting the sniffles could turn your world upside down. This is why it is important now, more than ever, to keep your immune system strong and healthy.

Skincare Repair: How to Prevent and Treat Sun Damaged Skin 

Summertime and sunshine, smiles and feel-good moods often come with long stretches outdoors. If not adequately protected, our skin can become damaged and rapidly age in just a few short months. This rapid and visible damage is one reason why it is so essential to protect your skin from the sun. Prevention is one thing, but what if you are already experiencing the damaging effects of too much sun exposure? Read more to learn about the best prevention and how to repair the damage.

Go the Distance: Premium IV Vitamin Therapy for Active Lifestyles

We, humans, are notorious for pushing our physical limitations. While it's amazing to see just how far we can go to achieve our physical goals, it helps to have the recipe for success in advance to avoid injury and exhaustion. Having an arsenal of tools like proper rest, recovery, and nutrition will go a long way to help achieve your goals, however large or small they may be.

Massage Therapy After-Care

Massage therapy is widely known to benefit both the body and mind in many ways. During your appointment, you’ll feel more relaxed, experience a reduction in pain and a boost of blood flow throughout the body. So, how can you prolong these benefits after you leave your appointment?

Women’s Health

There is so much to know about women’s health. And it’s high time that women, as well as men, understand the basics of women’s health beyond what our fourth-grade sex education provides. This is particularly important for women’s monthly menstrual cycle.

Immunity-Boosting Vitamin D

With the fall season quickly approaching, now is the time to start boosting our immunity. If you’re concerned about your immune system and the resurgence of viral illnesses, this summer is the ideal time to start preparing your body to reduce your susceptibility to viral infections.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections 101: Your Guide to Youth-Enhancing Treatments

We all want more laughter in our lives but could do without the lines that inevitably come with it. Thankfully there are ways to create a natural-looking reduction in lines and wrinkles. Now that is something to smile about!

Acupuncture and Emotional Health

We know that acupuncture can offer relief from pain, help with fertility, digestive issues, skin health, and the list goes on. What we often don’t hear about is how acupuncture is also used to balance both the mental and physical symptoms of anxiety or emotional distress, which helps to create harmony and spaciousness.

Food as Medicine: Optimizing Digestion

Food as Medicine Food can play either a positive role in our bodies or have adverse effects on our health. What we choose to eat is one of the most
