September Reset
It’s hard to believe that September is already here! This year has been one that has pushed many of us to change up routines and shift expectations. As schools restart and the back-to-work mentality sets in, it’s a good time to start thinking of ways to set ourselves up for a happy and healthy fall and winter season.
With the global pandemic, one bright light has been the incredible weather that has allowed us to find safe space outdoors. We’ve had access to many outdoor activities and have enjoyed socially distanced time with friends and family in parks and back yards. Now, as fall approaches, it is an excellent time to start thinking about alternative activities and ways to enjoy more time indoors with continued precautions. What are some ways to keep our mental, emotional, and physical bodies healthy for the rest of this year?

As Naturopathic Doctors, there are key areas that we address with every patient. We know that disruptions in these areas can cause imbalances in many areas and are typically at the root of most health concerns. When our basic needs are met, our bodies can function at their best and appropriately adapt to mental, emotional, and physical stress.
The basics of good health include:
- Sleep. Are you sleeping well? Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?
- Energy. Is your energy stable? Do you crash after food? Wake up groggy?
- Diet. Are you eating balanced meals? Are you having difficulty digesting your food?
- Mood. How is your mood? Do you find yourself easily overwhelmed? Are you aware of what factors affect your mood?
- Exercise. Are you moving your body and getting your heart rate up regularly? Are you finding new ways to sweat outside of the gym or your regular classes?
- Hormones. Are your menstrual cycles regular? How is your libido?
- Stress. Are you aware of your triggers? Do you have healthy habits to help you cope and appropriately adapt to your stressors?
- Toxic exposures. Are you exposed to pesticides in your food? Are there chemicals in the workplace? Is there mold in the home?
Our routines are shifting again this fall, and it’s an excellent opportunity to focus on our health, try new things, and simplify our lives. If you are looking for a reset, aren’t feeling your best or have a particular health concern, a checklist like this is a great place to start evaluating your health. The body can heal and thrive when we minimize its burdens and provide the building blocks to optimize function. Sometimes we need the simple reminder to take stock of which areas of our lives could use some support, but if you are struggling with any of these puzzle pieces, make sure to reach out to your health care team to support you as needed.
Book a Naturopathic Doctor visit today, call us at 778-974-8999 or email us at [email protected]
Dr. Brett Simpson, ND