IV Vitamin Therapy – all year long Did you know that we customize your IVs to maximize the benefits you receive – even based on the season?! Each time you
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IV Vitamin Therapy – all year long Did you know that we customize your IVs to maximize the benefits you receive – even based on the season?! Each time you
Welcome to the IV family, Dr. Luke Mountjoy, ND! Dr. Luke Mountjoy is a Naturopathic Doctor who aims to educate, inspire and empower his patients to prioritize their health now, so that they can
The Top Three Benefits of NAD+ NAD+ IVs are becoming more commonplace for athletes, entrepreneurs and anyone who is asking their body and brain to go above and beyond the
It's hard to believe that September is already here! This year has been one that has pushed many of us to change up routines and shift expectations. As schools restart and the back-to-work mentality sets in, it's a good time to start thinking of ways to set ourselves up for a happy and healthy fall and winter season.
We, humans, are notorious for pushing our physical limitations. While it's amazing to see just how far we can go to achieve our physical goals, it helps to have the recipe for success in advance to avoid injury and exhaustion. Having an arsenal of tools like proper rest, recovery, and nutrition will go a long way to help achieve your goals, however large or small they may be.
We know that acupuncture can offer relief from pain, help with fertility, digestive issues, skin health, and the list goes on. What we often don’t hear about is how acupuncture is also used to balance both the mental and physical symptoms of anxiety or emotional distress, which helps to create harmony and spaciousness.
Vitamin C had long been touted as the remedy for colds and flu because of its immune-boosting antioxidant capabilities, but did you know that Vitamin C is essential for other bodily functions too?
Naturopathic care is more than identifying and treating acute and chronic health concerns; it is a practice that is built on community, support, and kindness, all of which we need right now.
‘Tis the season for long lists to tackle and social events that fill our calendars. With the holiday season piling onto our already busy lives, many of us are left
The change from summer to fall season is usually a tough one. Many of the habits we have settled into over the warm summer months are forced to a grinding
Experience the IV difference!
1060 Homer Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 2W9
(604) 974-8999