Non-scale victories in your weight loss journey

You didn’t gain the weight overnight, and so you can’t expect to lose the weight overnight either. If you are on a weight loss journey and jumping on the scale regularly, only to feel frustrated and disappointed when your weight doesn’t budge, then it is time to refocus your energy on to non-scale targets.
Remember the scale is not the only thing to measure. Your body can be getting stronger, leaner, and healthier, without your weight changing at all. When you start eating healthier and drinking more fluids, you metabolism will start to change too. You may not lose fat but you can become better hydrated and more replete in essential nutrients. When you start working out at the gym you may start gaining muscle while you start losing fat, balancing out the numbers on the scale. There are so many factors that go into your total body mass that it can be frustrating if you forget the big picture.
Instead of getting on the scale every week ask yourself the following questions. Track you answers on a daily basis in a journal, on you mirror or fridge. Check-in with yourself and speak to your self in encouraging ways, like you would a close friend.

- Strength – Do you feel stronger? Are you lifting heavier weights? Do daily tasks like carrying the groceries seem easier? Can you feel more tone in your arms or legs? Is the shape of your body starting to shift?
- Endurance – Do you have more stamina? Walking farther, playing longer? Do you feel less winded walking up stairs? Can you do more reps than last week?
- Mobility – Is movement easier? Are you finding you can do more before you are out of breathe/start to feel sore muscles? Do you wake with less soreness? Is your flexibility improving?
- Mood – Check in with your mood throughout the day/week. Do you feel less moody, agitated or have more patience? Is your mood stable throughout the day? Are you able to witness your triggers instead of getting caught up?
- Stress – Are you experiencing as much anxiety, feeling as much stress, or feeling quick to react? Have you felt overwhelmed or had brain fog?
- Fit of clothes – How are your clothes fitting? Do those jeans fit just right instead of just a bit tight? Have you felt the change in how your clothing hangs instead of clings to your frame? Are you starting to shift your wardrobe to clothing you had been avoiding?
- Energy – How is your energy? Are you less tired in the morning, staying up a bit later at night? Consider rating your energy on a scale of 0 –10 (10 being high) and checking in with yourself throughout the day. Is your energy steady throughout the day?
- Sleep – How is your sleep quality? Are you sleeping throughout the night instead of waking easily? Are you falling asleep easier and waking more refreshed?
By celebrating a few, or many, of these non-scale victories you will see benefits sooner during your weight loss journey. Remember that you are improving your overall metabolism and health in general by changing your lifestyle!
If you are looking for weight loss support that encourages a healthy lifestyle and promotes a healthy metabolism, book in with one of our Naturopathic Doctors today.
Call 604-974-8999 or email [email protected] to book your appointment.