Signs of Holiday Burnout – Get the support you need!
With fall officially here, it’s a signal that end of the year and holidays are just around the corner. Stress and fatigue are so common all year around, yet even more so at the end of the year with the additional obligations that come with holiday planning and events. This can be caused by a continual exposure to high stress, leading to ‘burnout’ that combines mental, physical and emotional states of exhaustion that can sap the joy out of every part of life.
Stress is your body’s normal response to increased physical, mental and emotional pressure. When you’re repeatedly adding to your level of stress and don’t have anything in place to counterbalance it, those stress levels continue to go up until you reach your capacity, or your emotional limits – negatively affecting our mental wellbeing.
Each person has a different capacity for stress and emotional wellbeing, which can change over time. However, what is important is how you manage your stress levels to prevent reaching your full emotional capacity.
Signs that you may be at your capacity:
- Becoming irritable – Snapping at loved ones or colleagues especially when it is out of character, is often a sign your stress levels are at its maximum
- Using unhelpful coping strategies – When you’re starting to feel awry, you might turn to things to help you feel good in the moment such as turning to substances like alcohol, coffee, food or drugs.
- Feeling overwhelmed – When it all feels like it’s getting too much, it is time to step back and re-evaluate what you are doing to keep your stress bucket from overflowing.
- Becoming emotionally unavailable – Isolating one’s self from family and/or friends
- Experiencing exhaustion – Feeling totally depleted no matter how much you may be sleeping, or having sleep issues and the inability to get up in the morning
- Frequent sickness – Long-term stress wreaks havoc on our immune systems, making us vulnerable to colds and flu. Other factors that can contribute to burnout is the condition of your mental health, our mood and the intensity of your emotional responses.

How we can help support you at The IV?
We are featuring our Holiday Burnout Premium IV which includes a number of nutrients that support your body to help you feel your very best:
- B Vitamins – help with energy production needed during times of stress – Not only are B vitamins great for energy but they are depleted during times of high stress which means they are even more in demand!
- Electrolytes – maximize hydration and cellular functioning
- NAD – optimizes brain health, energy, and longevity support
This is a great IV for those feeling rundown, overwhelmed and stressed! This IV is great to support energy production, antioxidant support & cellular energy, promote relaxation and mitochondria!
The IV also offers Naturopathic visits that determine the root cause of why you are feeling tired.
Call 604-974-8999 or email [email protected] to book your appointment today!