Resilience into the New Year
Resilience – the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. 2020 was nothing short of an uphill battle for everyone on many levels be it work, personal relationships or financial strain. Though the majority of the world is still working to recover from the many impacts the pandemic had on human life, I believe that recovery starts with the self each morning upon waking. It seems like now, more than during years past, 2021 is the year to make clear goals and have aspirations to not only recover, but to thrive. Now is the time to rebuild ourselves and our communities as we move into this next phase of the new normal – and perhaps the beginning of the end of this pandemic.

If you’re looking for guidance and support on achieving your 2021 health resolutions to build resilience, I am here to support you. I, personally, will be prioritizing my relationships, and my self-care in the form of alone time. I will be using meditation, journaling, and activities like a soothing bath to help me get through this year.
Resilience is all about recovery. Do you know what your body needs to recover? Each of us has different needs even though we’re enduring the same pandemic! Our health and wellbeing are drastically different from our friends, neighbours and family. If you need assistance on determining what aspects of your health to focus on to boost your resilience, I can help formulate those goals with you. The therapies I offer are foundational to health. These include diet, nutrition and lifestyle counselling, targeted IV nutrient therapy for the immune system, mood and energy levels, as well as sleep and nervous system support.
Did you know that the body functions either in:
A) a state of sympathetic dominance (also known as the fight or flight response) or
B) a state of parasympathetic mode (referred to the rest and recovery)
This is like an on/off switch. So, when we are in the fight or flight response, there is little room for our body to recover and regenerate. Over time if we do not allow for the body to recover, we are much more prone to stress related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. My hope is to assist my patients into a state of parasympathetic dominance for 2021 so that they can effectively recover body, mind and spirit. Health is not merely the absence of disease but rather a state of homeostasis in body, mind and spirit. It’s easy to lose sight and attention of the aforementioned pillars and foundations of health. When was the last time you checked in with your body? Your body deep down knows what it needs, and I can help facilitate that need into fruition.

As I mentioned, 2021 for me will be focused on my mind and spirit health. Taking care of myself will include calming my nerves and nurturing my soul through intentional work on my relationships, both near and far, by staying virtually connected and open. These goals are big, but with the right attitude, support system and tools we can all achieve the health and wellness we strive for that will get us through the remainder of the pandemic together and whole.
My only ask is that you step up and have the courage to make your situation better. Are you ready to take back control? Let’s lay the groundwork for setting you up for achieving your resolutions in 2021.
To book in for an initial visit or a follow up with Dr. Kaylee Driedger, ND email [email protected] or call 604-974-8999.