Whether you have just begun your journey to become pregnant or you have been trying for a long time, did you know that acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help?
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can give hope to those who have tried everything. So don’t give up!
What can you do to increase your chances of success?
One of the greatest ways to support conception and pregnancy is through the food we eat, food is medicine, after all. To produce and grow your little one, ensuring fertility, your internal resources of blood and fluids must be deeply nourished. Often, women tell me they are eating quite well, only to find they are consuming smoothies, salads and other low-fat foods. Raw foods create internal cold and no matter how many nutrients they contain, will be counterproductive.
Cooked food is crucial for fertility.
To become pregnant, we need to build, nourish and enhance our diet so that it will provide a warming and upholding energy. Well balanced meals full of healthy fats, carbohydrates, protein, and a variety of green vegetables prepared (cooked) to be easily digested, will provide the support needed.
Most everyone eats differently than the next and at different times of our lives. Your acupuncturist or Chinese medicine provider can guide you towards which foods to avoid and which to eat more of. Used in conjunction with an acupuncture attunement, makes this modality a wonderful support for fertility.
– Sarah McGuire, R.Ac
To book an acupuncture appointment with Sarah, visit our website at theiv.ca or give us a call at 604-974-8999