New Year, Same Resolutions?
Did you make resolutions this year?
New Years is always an occasion where people re-evaluate their lives, for better or worse. Whether it’s our diet, our exercise routine, our spending habits, or our life philosophy, every new year brings on the feeling that there’s something we need to change. While all these shifts can be very positive, I think we need to notice how some of these things are routed in self-judgement around how we are currently showing up.
How many resolutions are things that we want to stop doing or dislike about ourselves?
What I do like about New Year’s resolutions is that it encourages us to take the time to slow down and evaluate what has been going on in our lives, and ultimately be present. Don’t you find that as the year goes on, days flow in to the next, the to do lists grow and spill over to the next day, until weeks, months, and finally another year has passed. With the start of a new year, the thing that can sometimes happen is that we can get down on ourselves for all that isn’t, and we then we end up creating resolutions that we often don’t actually ever follow through on.
How many years have certain items on your resolutions list been repeated?
So, how can we approach a new year in a more constructive and sustainable way? More than simply acknowledging what isn’t working for us, we need to figure out what we are willing to do to create change in our life. We need to get really clear on what our barriers have been in the past that have prevented us from achieving these goals. Can we recognize the excuses we continue to make for the change we crave, and finally reach out for the support we need? Do we need to talk with a coach, nutritionist, financial planner, physiotherapist, or even simply reach out to a friend or family member for a good heart to hear?
This kind of support gives us the positive motivation that having clear direction brings.
Make an action plan where you enlist the help that you need, set up reminders to revisit these goals throughout the year, and be truly willing to do what it takes.
January is a great month to start to get the ball rolling. Changes don’t have to be extreme – as these types of changes are rarely sustainable. Enjoy dreaming up how you want your year to look and feel rather than judging where yourself for all of the changes you need to make.
Wishing everyone a fulfilling year for 2019!
Dr. Brett Simpson, ND
Call to book your naturopathic visit with Dr. Brett Simpson, ND to set yourself up for a happy and healthy 2019. You can book online at, or call our clinic at (604) 974-8999.