Pelvic Exams Save Lives! What is a Pelvic Exam and Why is it So Important? During a pelvic exam, a doctor examines your vulva and your internal reproductive organs – your vagina, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.

Natural Ways to Balance your Female Hormones

Natural Ways to Balance your Female Hormones If you missed my Community Talk and are curious about what hormones are and, more specifically, how to balance your hormones for optimal

Women’s Health

There is so much to know about women’s health. And it’s high time that women, as well as men, understand the basics of women’s health beyond what our fourth-grade sex education provides. This is particularly important for women’s monthly menstrual cycle.

5 Reasons You Should Track Your Menstrual Cycle – According To A Naturopathic Doctor

Your menstrual cycle is a monthly series of changes in hormones where the average cycle length is 28 days including your days of menstruation. Women have an average of 9-12
